Jaipur Artisans

Jaipur - the pink city that’s also famous for its ink 

There’s something intimate in Rajasthan’s soil. Or sand, if you will. When you step foot in Jaipur, the pride with which its inhabitants wear their culture and heritage is striking. The old Mughal city is witness to a heritage that is so rich that no amount of history or research could fathom. 

Jaipur is as much royal as it is raw. Have you been to the street where Hawa Mahal stands? Just across this magnificent Rajputana palace are local food stalls and kiosks selling Jaipuri Juttis. For someone who grew up in this contrasting city, a deep sense of rhythm, color and art comes naturally. Speaking of rhythm, the ubiquitous sound of a century old Sarangi emanating from a corner or the bhajans offered in a nearby temple - are but facets of the deeply embedded values that still live in this city. 

There’s art everywhere, and there’s color everywhere and Pink is at best the representation of the cultural richness. Jaipur, as is the rest of the state, is famous for its tie and dye work. The artisans here know how to balance the vivacious with the subtle and the colorful with the pastel. They are exceptionally blessed with a sense of aesthetics that’s evident in their craftsmanship. 

Did you know that in block printing, the artisans follow a rule of 7? The blocks or the prints will experiment with all kinds of color but never more than 7, for going beyond this number may disturb the integrity of the design and the fabric. And despite this strictness of rules toward their art, the artisans of Jaipur have never shied away from both experimenting and



While Mughal art formations are common in most of the fabrics and textiles here - flowers, elephants, horses, peacocks -, the artisans have also come of age with the latest design trends. Blue pottery, which originally came to Jaipur in the 15th century from Persia, has now evolved into a full-blown art form experimenting with Mughal, British and other European styles. Worth mentioning here are the artisans from Newai village and Sanganer village, the men and women who create exceptional block prints. The ink or block printing involves preparing wooden blocks by carving out aesthetic designs. These blocks are then used to stamp on the cloth to create tiles for the design. 


There’s also several other art forms actively practiced here such as lac jewelry, puppetry, carpet designs and marble carving. Jaipur is home to some of the best global brands in apparel, home and decor industries. Earthly Living sources the best artisans from Jaipur, sourcing sustainable products for the conscious customers. 


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